Calendar of Events
To view our current calendar, right click on 'Download File' below and 'Open link in a new tab';
or To download a 'pdf' file on your computer of our current calendar, please click 'Download File' below.
Notes & Events:
CATECHISM 6th-8th GRADES: Our Catechism Classes for grades 6-8 will continue this Wednesday. Ride BUS SLOT #1 at the Middle School and stay on that bus until you get to church. The kids will enjoy a snack before class begins. Classes end at 6:00 p.m.
SUNDAY SCHOOL MEDFORD: On Sunday, September 8th, we began our fall season. Please encourage kids, grandkids, great-grandkids, and friends to join us. To assist with our Sunday School program in some way, perhaps as a teacher or helper, please contact the church office. Your willingness to serve would be greatly appreciated!! LWML Fall Rally: The LWML Fall Rally will be held here at Trinity, Medford, next Friday, September 13th beginning with registration at 8:00 a.m. Breakfast items will be served. Hallie Reynolds from the Taylor House will have a presentation on the Taylor House. Some items needed are personal care, cleaning supply items and diapers.
NO & SO WISCONSIN LLL DISTRICT CONVENTION: 'I will sing of the Lord's great love forever, with my mouth I will make your faithfulness known through all generations. i will declare that your love stands forever, that you established your faithfulness in heaven itself.' Psalm 89:1-2. Get more information at 2024 NORTHWEST DISTRICT LWML CONVENTION recently held in Appleton, June 13-15 with it's theme entitled "Let Your Light Shine". Click here to view Parade of Banners!
PICTORIAL DIRECTORIES: Our pictorial directories are here. Anyone who had their pictures taken gets a complimentary copy, extra copies are $15.00 each. Stop in the office to get your copy.
Sunday Morning Bible Study: Before the Divine Service from 8:00-8:45 a.m. We will meet in the Trinity Room, where our topic will be the book of James: Faith In Action. Monday Evening Bible Study: This study will be 6:00-7:30 p.m. in the Trinity Room. Come join us at either study or both as we grow together from God's Word in the fear and love of the Lord. Youth Stainless Steel Tumblers Fundraiser: Purchas a tumbler of your choice, help the youth raise money for the 2025 National Youth Gathering in New Orleans, L.A. If you would prefer a different color or a personalized tumbler, talk with Nancy Graun. Thank you in advance. Perkinstown Youth Day - to see pictures from our fun at Perkinstown, click here. Lutheran Hour Ministries: For over 100 years Lutheran Hour Ministries (LHM) has been committed to sharing the Gospel with those who need to hear it. Today, LHM energizes, equips, and engages Christians to share the Gospel throughout North America and around the globe. We are able to offer many free or low-cost resources because people like you have already joined our mission. Learn more about how you can get more involved at Cemetery Handbook: To view a copy of Trinity Lutheran-Medford's current Cemetery Handbook as adopted, please click here,
Gift cards, which function like debt cards or pre-paid gift cards, are available each Sunday and through the church office during the week. See Marilyn/Neal Mueller or drop your envelope with information in their mailbox here at church.
For each $25 card you purchase, Trinity receives a $1 rebate; for each $100 card you purchase, Trinity receives a $4 rebate. It's a great way to support your church without any added cost to you since the cards cost their face value. Culver's Gift Cards: Gift cards, which function like debit cards or pre-paid gift cards are available each Sunday and through the office during the week. See Marilyn or Neal Mueller or drop your envelope with information in their mailbox here at church. For each $25 or $50 card you purchase, Trinity receives a 10% rebate. It's a great way to support your church without any added cost to you since the cards cost their face value. AMAZON smile Do you shop on If so, we encourage you to bookmark The site is identical, however, on, you can designate Trinity Lutheran Church as the organization you support and 0.5% of each purchase will go to Trinity. It's simple. It's the same shopping experience and Trinity obtains the benefits. Check it out!
Craft and Fabric Exchange: Do you have a fabric and/or craft supplies that you would like to share? Are you in need of supplies? The Ladies Aid is sponsoring an exchange. Stop by the drop off room to leave supplies or pick something up. This is open to everyone. Let the crafting begin!
Private Communion: Even though vaccines are now starting to appear for CoVid-19, it may still be a while before we are able to return to normal Holy Communion practices. If you have not had the Sacrament for some time because of CoVid concerns, consider scheduling an appointment with Pastor Shorey for private communion. During these visits the sacrament will be celebrated within a brief service and devotion wherein we are reminded that the Sacrament is a pure, wholesome, comforting remedy that grants salvation and comfort. You can contact Pastor Shorey either at the Church Office, 715-748-4181 or his cell phone, 712-204-6748, or by email, [email protected] CHURCH LIBRARY IS OPEN
Browse our Church Library. Find something you like, check it out and return when finished to the appropriate basket so it can be returned to its proper place. If you have a book, or other item you may have borrowed from the library in the past, please return it so it can be accounted for. Thank you.
2024 VBS
During the month of September, the Ladies Aid invites you to join them as they collect canned spaghetti, ravioli, fruit or pudding cups for the Medford Schools backpack program.
LADIES CRAFTING EVENT: The next Ladies Crafting Event with Quilting for Missions, will be held Sunday, September 15, 2024 beginning at 1:00 p.m. No experience necessary. Bring your crafting project and enjoy a time of fellowship and fun!
L to R: Ian Stickney, Pastor, Dylan Frey, Naomi Frischman
Photo Credit-Freese Frame Photography Confirmation 2023
Trinity Youth Group Event - Febuary 19, 2023
Trinity Lutheran Church-Medford 2021 - 2022 Sunday School - Trinity Lutheran Church-Chelsea