Thanks for stopping at our website and please know that you are always welcome to join us for worship!
Our worship style is mostly traditional based on the Lutheran Service Book, yet we use printed services a couple times a month realizing that our younger families gravitate toward the printed services.
We have a spacious worship and narthex area.
An elevator was recently installed in the narthex area. Please see an usher for use.
worship style...
Our worship style is traditional but varied and flexible. We currently use the Lutheran Service Book, but we also incorporate printed services realizing that some prefer more variety. We also offer special messages for our kids each month. worship music...
Trinity is known as a "singing" congregation. The majority of our music is from Lutheran Service Book. Beyond hymns, our Sunday School kids sing each month.
worship life...
We regularly have a "Morning Greeter" who provides a brief welcome at the beginning of the service and also provides the announcements at the end of worship. Within the service, we incorporate Scripture Readers who provide the Old Testament and Epistle readings to add a bit of variety to our worship.
worship messages... Pastor's messages are down-to-earth, easy to understand, life-related, and provide deeper insight into the chosen text. His delivery method is traditional, but relaxed with varied styles of presentation being used depending on the message he has prepared.